This blog contains information on the industry of Digital Media Production. It identifies many trends, some of which are now established, and others which are just beginning. We can see the start of "Digital Content" happening. Many new forms of content are starting to appear-the so called "User Generated" content.

The purpose of this blog is to record and present trends in digital media production. Ideally, we would see that the market for Digital and/or reusable content was emerging, and that no-one had managed to satisfy this niche. However the findings here will be presented in as fair and neutral way for the reader to determine his or her own conclusions. Digital media technology is still developing rapidly, with no potential end in sight.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Stop television from controlling your life

Television is popular all over the world and there is no place in these worlds that don’t know what a television is. Television has its advantages and disadvantages and sometimes it’s difficult to decide whether to watch a program or not. In this world, television is the main source of information. Everyday people watch the news to stay informed during the day. Television also entertains us.  It allows us to sit back and relax. Television is also a form of advertisement through commercials that are aired during broadcastings and live coverage.  On the other side of the coin television can be harmful to us in many ways. It can affect our health and our minds.  Television can also have a negative effect on our children.
Television makes people physically inactive and can also contribute to weight issues.  It contributes to procrastination and leaving things and tasks undone. It’s time for us to break the habit of watching extensive television and start reading and doing other productive things in our lives.

The 'average' person watches television news and current affairs, listens to news broadcasts and actually believes many of the things we hear. We spend a significant amount of time debating issues with friends or other people, about the particular issue in question. Our emotions are controlled by whatever news story the media decide that they will release to us that day. We hold a huge amount of opinions and views about these issues, and spend a significant amount of our time explaining and
defending these views. This, despite the fact we might not often have any knowledge at all about these topics, and is merely repeating 'information ' released by the media. Furthermore our beliefs become confused and self-contradictory; we would be unable to defend them in any rational argument. We watch televised debates about a certain topic or issue, and actually take one side or the other! - Even becoming angry when the others oppose our views.

We should also be aware that the most effective prisons are made of beliefs and not actual prison bars.  The most effective mind-control tool on the planet is television.   The programs that come into millions home through that medium significantly influence the viewer's minds and in all too many cases, change the viewer’s belief system to match that of the program's producers.  The vast majority of the programs that enter into your home are garbage that pollutes viewers' minds.  

  Television is a phenomenal tool for mind control because it significantly influences and often dominates the mind of the viewer. Viewers hear and see news stories and in-depth reports about actual events -- events the likes of which they would never consciously and intentionally welcome into their personal lives. Viewers see dramatic depictions of all kinds of things they would never consciously and intentionally welcome into their personal lives. Viewers hear and see thousand s of brief messages intentionally designed to influence their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations, and to change their behavior. These words, sounds, pictures, and dramatic representations often generate strong feelings .This combination of words, sounds, pictures, and the high emotion they generate strongly influence the viewers.   Those who control the television content can control your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitudes, and your expectations.   Are you a function of television-generated mind?   Here are a few basic questions to ask: Is what you view via television "The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?"   Since conveying the whole truth of an event via symbolic representations in words sounds and pictures is impossible, it can never be the whole truth.  Who is sending the message?   What is the basic philosophy of the message sender?   What are their long-term goals and intentions?   Is the message sender speaking for him/herself or representing a third party such as a corporation, a religious group, or political party?


I recommend that you turn the TV off unless there is something specific you choose to watch, like a baseball game, an music concert, a special event, etc.   If you are watching programs about crime, police, courts, hospitals, car crashes, and the like, YOU ARE NEGATIVELY INFLUENCING YOUR MIND AND FOCUSING YOUR  UNIVERSAL CREATIVE ENERGY ONTO THINGS YOU DON'T WANT IN YOUR LIFE!    

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