This blog contains information on the industry of Digital Media Production. It identifies many trends, some of which are now established, and others which are just beginning. We can see the start of "Digital Content" happening. Many new forms of content are starting to appear-the so called "User Generated" content.

The purpose of this blog is to record and present trends in digital media production. Ideally, we would see that the market for Digital and/or reusable content was emerging, and that no-one had managed to satisfy this niche. However the findings here will be presented in as fair and neutral way for the reader to determine his or her own conclusions. Digital media technology is still developing rapidly, with no potential end in sight.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Vennmedia Plan Tweetstorm on May 8 to Call for Greater Federal Investments in Affordable Homes and Community Development

[Chicago, Illinois] – On May 8, 2018, Vennmedia, a Chicago-based nonprofit organization that has been working toward community

development and concerned citizens around the city are participating in a National Twitterstorm to bring more attention to the affordable housing crisis in the community. This initiative is part of the 2nd annual Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action. During the week of May 1-8, advocates from across the country are coordinating activities to raise awareness around the need for greater federal investments in affordable homes and community development. Vennmedia has joined this week of action because all people deserve an affordable home, and no one should be forced to give up food and basic healthcare to keep a roof over their heads.

The Tweetstorm will begin at 2pm EST and participants can use the hashtags #OurHomesOurVoices and #CutsHurt the tweets should cover importance of affordable housing, budget cuts Sample branded images can be found at:

After conducting a city based affordable housing research study, Vennmedia discovered that many citizens feel low-income families are not priorities in Chicago. Due to the shortage of affordable housing in the city and across the nation, far too many families– including low income seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and families with children – struggle to keep a roof over their heads or are experiencing homelessness. More families are renting their homes than ever before, and our nation’s investments in affordable housing have not kept pace. As a result, rents are increasing everywhere. The studies conducted by Vennmedia also highlighted how many residents of Chicago feel as if not enough money is put into affordable housing. Because of underfunding, three out of every four families in need of housing benefits are turned away.

Vennmedia is a nonprofit organization that has been working toward economic, educational and community development utilizing new media technology to create social change. They have been dedicated in offering top quality digital media courses, computer training, internship programs, job readiness programs and community resources. Recently, the organization has incorporated entrepreneurship training, loans to nonprofits and housing counseling into its list of services. Now, due to an overwhelming need for affordable housing, Vennmedia will also specialize in nonprofit housing development, mainly focusing on the development of low income housing properties for low-income residents, special needs residents and homeless residents. Vennmedia will particularly serve under resourced communities.

 After conducting numerous other studies in regards to affordable housing, Vennmedia was able to focus on another issue. Inner city neighborhoods that need affordable housing lack the social infrastructures, schools and programs for new developments. This is important in regards to residents being able to support the quality of life of the neighborhoods or communities in which they live and being able to integrate into other neighborhoods. Zo Slater, Executive Director of Vennmedia and a member of the Chicago Housing Authority HCV Advisory Board, says he plan on working with the housing agency to help coordinate resident programs, such as youth groups and job training seminars. He sees this as a possibility to build more community and/or job resource centers on the grounds of those developments at locations such as ABLA, Altgeld Murray Homes, Oakwood Shores and Pullman, in which they are implementing community and recreational facilities. "I believe such developments and programs should be expanded and would be instrumental in getting area residents off the streets and into mainstream society." says Slater. "In addition, this would enable residents to become more secure and stable in their environments. Residents and youth being enrolled in job training programs provides them an opportunity to focus." Slater continues, "Instead of reducing our nation’s investments in affordable housing, we need to make a commitment to ensure that everyone has a safe, accessible and affordable place to live. When we invest in affordable homes, we invest in our communities. From increased employment, to economic mobility to better education.

For more information go to :

For information about Vennmedia go to:

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